Sunday, September 26, 2004


I received this flyer today, perhaps you would want to post it on your web site. It seems the residents on Oak Leaf are pretty upset. I want to know why Wright and Holcomb are not responding to these people. Residents are entitled to answers of all their questions and issues, not just the speed bumps. Seems to me the issues go well beyond the speed bumps.
Anyway, attached please find the flyer, I hope you can use it.


A Recipe from the Winslow Township Crook Book

Take one wooded, pristine country road; one over flowing cup of tax payer money; add a couple of power hungry Committee Members; stir in the lack of knowledge with a dash of inadequate research. Bring the neighborhood to a boil. Then, cover it up with a deaf ear, political contributions and favoritism. Top with one resident nut and what do you get?

Speed humps. Served with wasted tax money and failed results.
If you don't like the humps, vote out the chumps! Remember in November!

Barry Wright and Barbara Holcomb are giving Winslow Township residents more examples of how they can waste your tax dollars. The residents of Oak Leaf Rd. did not want the speed humps and offered alternatives, but to no avail, we got the bumps! This is just another example of poor judgment.


Concerned Residents