Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Welcome to UNofficially Winslow

Welcome to Unofficially Unofficially Winslow was established as a different type of web site. Its format is commonly known as a blog, which is slang for web log. The purpose of the blog Unofficially Winslow is for residents to learn about the current "hot" topics in Winslow and share their thoughts and suggestions.

Some of these hot topics in Winslow Township include the newly installed speed humps on Oak Leaf Road in Cedar Brook, and the Township’s recently conducted public land sale. While these topics are political in nature, Unofficially Winslow will post all topics of interest to Winslow residents. These include, but are not limited to school events, Township events, and athletic accomplishments.

This is our web log, the people of Winslow Township. The Constitution of the United States of America gives us the right to organize, assemble, publish, and one my personal favorites, free speech. No government body, including the Winslow Township Committee, can limit the actions and postings to this web site. There is no five-minute time limit imposed in this public forum like there is during public participation at the Township meetings. Submissions are encouraged by all residents including residents who are elected or appointed to a public office in Winslow Township. Other Township groups and individuals that are not elected or appointed are also encouraged to participate in this forum.

All parties who have an interest in posting a remark, question, picture, or just need a soap box to stand on, are welcome to email their posting to or may fax their posting to 1(208) 977-6988.

Personal information will be automatically edited from your submission unless you expressly ask for your name to be published with your remarks. However, I would encourage submissions to include a pen name, or initials (and perhaps your section of the Township) so visitors to the site can reply to your remarks and make reference to your submission in theirs.

Thank you for visiting Unofficially Winslow and I encourage you to check in regularly.

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Since September 21, 2004.
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