Sunday, April 17, 2005



“ Welcome to Holcombville! May I take(give you) your order(s)!” No, you
won’t find a “Holcombville” by name in the southern part of Camden County.
It’s called Winslow Township, but Deputy Mayor Barbara Holcomb and her
rubber-stamp automatons are having a lot of fun, as usual.

You see, in the last election for Mayor, Holcomb ran unsuccessfully against the
incumbent Mayor Sue Ann Metzner, and had someone else run for her township
committee seat. This is where it gets crafty and devious. Holcomb lost the race for Mayor, and her hand-picked friend won her seat, but, LO and BEHOLD, it turns out that person couldn’t take the office because she was already employed in government, so she abdicated, a very “special” election was held, and “Voila!” Holcomb had her old seat back. It was genius to watch this play out.

These days Holcomb and friends (the Democrat majority) delight in “punishing”Mayor Metzner (Republican) and her minority members in every way possible. The Mayor’s long-time aide had to give up her job to move on, and Holcomb and company voted at the most recent meeting to make the Mayor’s assistant a part-time position without benefits, meaning it will be very hard to find someone to take the job.

Sue Ann Metzner is a very active Mayor who absolutely deserves a full time helper but Holcomb has struck again! “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned..” especially at the polls.

But wait! There’s more! In the latest ploy a field of four “Holcomb” puppets are running for the schoolboard. As of this moment the election is yet to be held. The election will be held on April 19th, and Holcomb wants to control the schoolboard as well.

It’s time for the residents of Winslow Township to wake up and stop this woman. On Tuesday elect, PITTS, TUTT, GREENE and POWELL to the Board of Education.