Monday, June 06, 2005


Normally political signs start to appear after the Labor Day holiday. This year some Winslow Democrats have started to put out their signs after Memorial Day.

Winslow's sign ordinance does exempt temporary political signs from needing a permit. Was the intention of the ordinance to allow political signs more than 5 months in advance of the election?
Click here to review Winslow's sign ordinance.

Perhaps some candidates are concerned about their re-election.

Let's review the last few months.

Barry Wright

Does Wright have any need to be concerned? Here are some bullet items from issues posted on this website UNofficially Winslow.

* Wright was instrumental in reducing the Mayor's assistant's hours and benefits.
Barry M. Wright, a Democrat on the township committee, said the mayor's job didn't warrant a full-time secretary. Courier-Post June 6, 2005

* Wright voted against using the RFP (Request For Proposal) system in order to keep Pay to Play politics alive in Winslow Township.

* Did Wright lie about speed bump issues? Were there ever any speed surveys done on Oak Leaf Road ?

* Did Wright waste tax dollars putting in and now removing speed bumps?

* Did Wright support wasting more tax dollars on speed light signs that still do not work correctly?

* Did Wright address resident's concerns about the speed bumps on Oak Leaf Road?

* Did Wright address the Fire Chief and Fire Marshal's concerns about speed bumps?

Click here to view the letter from the Fire Chief & Fire Marshal addressing speed bumps.

* Did Wright squelch the efforts of having a police officer at both the high school and the middle school in October of 2004. Than later in May of 2005 support the concept when it was to his political advantage to do so?

* Finally, lets not forget how Wright violated the Planning Board's resolution concerning a fence at his own business. Wright was forced to apply, and was granted, an amended resolution.

Marie Lawrence

Why are these signs out so early? Not only is there no primary election in Lawrence's ward, as of this time her election will be won by default. For as of this writing Lawrence's seat on the Township Committee is uncontested.

UNofficially Winslow has reported in the past that Lawrence has not done her home work in several arenas, perhaps her re-election is yet another area that needs more study.

Chuck Flamini

While Flamini might be less vocal, he still voted along party lines with Wright and the other puppets. Why should the residents of Ward 4 allow Flamini to litter the community? Flamini should be made to clean up his mess or be fined. Furthermore, like with the other signs pictured here the Zoning Officer might consider addressing the premature placement of these signs within the community.

The only execption being in Ward 1 where there is currently a primary Democrat campaign in progress to be decided on June 7, 2005.
As noted in the ordinance even these signs in Ward 1 should be removed within 30 days of the election.