Saturday, January 28, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives Email
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:04 PM
Subject: Letter

Something very bad is happening in our country. Hatred is rampant and spews from every facet of our government. How in the world can we ever go on? Even in Winslow Township, a small blip on the map of America, hatred abounds. Those of us who observe Township meetings continue to be appalled at the childlike behavior of the new minority. When the Democrats were the majority they used every ounce of their power to humiliate and degrade the Republican minority. Their treatment of the Mayor was disgraceful. They in effect, formed their own governing body where the "Deputy Mayor" ruled. Their actions effectively negated the representation of half of the Township citizens

Now that they have lost their majority and find themselves with less power they refuse to accept the fact that their reign is over and continue to disrupt the meetings with negativity, accusations and thinly veiled racial slurs. They, like any spoiled child, think that a good tantrum will get results. Personally, I am disgusted with the ranting and ravings of one woman in particular who uses every opportunity to create a disturbance. Bad enough that her mentor, the ex "Deputy Mayor", snarls and grunts at will. There are now two unpleasant people to deal with.

It is a wonder to me that the men in the minority party are not embarrassed by such unprofessional behavior. Yet, they go along with this nonsense and continue to act like little boys who are afraid to anger mommy. This would be funny if it were not so important to the citizens of Winslow. Must we continue to accept these attempts to disrupt our government by a couple of malcontents whose only claim to fame is the fact that they can muster the votes of their ward? Or, will the men in the minority at some point, become so humiliated by the antics of these women that they refuse to have their good names connected to such outlandish behavior? Surely they must realize that it was this hate filled power obsession that lost them the majority seats in the first place. Winslow Township is not only about Sicklerville. There are other areas of the Township that were badly neglected during the past eight years of Sicklerville reign. Those areas are filled with taxpayers who also have needs. It is time to address those needs along with the needs of Sicklerville. This can be done if wisdom and grace are given a chance. Mayor Metzner is trying to bring civility and good government back to Winslow Township, let us hope that she prevails.

Disgusted Citizen