Wednesday, August 20, 2008


"It has been a pleasure to work for Winslow Township for the last 23 years, but it's time to retire." Russell Bates October 6, 2004.

Click here to view Committeeman Russell Bates' official resignation letter of October 6, 2004.

Now fast-forward to 2008.

Initially as a result of the June 3, 2008 primary election, Russell Bates was declared the victor by one vote.

Committeeman LoSasso contested the results on Friday August 1, 2008. Judge Lee Soloman made a determination that one absentee ballot that had not been counted should have been counted; therefore the election resulting in a tie vote.

A special election will be held on September 16, 2008 only in ward two at the regular ward two polling places for the position of ward two Committee person.

Both Democrat and unaffiliated voters from ward two are eligible to vote in the special election.

Since no Republican has filed to run for ward two Committee seat, the person who will represent ward two for the next three years will be determined on September 16, 2008.

Residents of ward two can click on their neighborhood listed below to check their voting location. The polls for this ward two special election of September 16, 2008 are open from 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Wilton’s Corner
Woodstream East

Below are headlines of previous postings on UNofficially Winslow that involved Mr. Bates.

You can now click on the these headlines noted below to review this historical information.

Below is a copy of a distributed memo from Mayor Sue Ann Metzner

UNofficially Winslow replies to political mailer.

Click Here for the public record concerning the public land sale, which shows Bates and Flamini voting in favor of the motion.

Click Here for the public record containing a list of the successful bidders of the public land sale. How many of these names can you identify as developers? Why couldn't Bates and Flamini do the same? Did their previous political campaigns sell out Winslow residents to developers?