Monday, March 15, 2010

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:13 PM
Subject: Water Dept

I was at the 3/9 public mtg. when the sale of the water dept. was brought up. I must say every time the mayor and Karen mentioned anything about more investigation no matter what the issue, they were outvoted. Karen raised the question as to whether or not anyone checked with surrounding municipalities who pay American Water for service. They would not even let her finish. I pay them for water service and it ranges anywhere from $40 to $90/month. I feel her question made sense. But not them. In essence, I felt that the mayor and Karen were lame ducks sitting up there. No one cared at all about what they were saying. The ring leaders were Bates and Wright. I could see Wright looking at Gallagher all night so he would know what to reply to any questions that came up. Bates attacked the mayor on some issues right in front of everyone. I never saw such a display of disrespect and was appalled by it. The other members were puppets on a string. I could tell that they were just agreeing to keep on the good side of Bates and Wright. How these people were voted in is beyond me. I don't even live in the township any longer and am glad of it. I was there because of the threat of police layoffs. It hits close to home. And I definitely will be at the mtgs. to follow. Perhaps they want to relive 6/12/94. How quickly they forget. Or is Winslow a really safe community now?

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