Material for the above posting about Holcomb and the Deputy Mayor was acquired from the letters posted below and my own personal observations during open public meetings. The text below was copied from Mayor Metzner's campaign website. This is the single most important document available that explains the current setting in Winslow Township government.
The so called "censure" letter
As those who have attended Township Committee meetings already know, the local Democrat machine has turned meetings into total fiascos designed to support their personal agendas. In response last year, Mayor Metzner wrote a letter to Winslow Township residents describing the actions and behavior of this group. The letter was paid for by the Winslow Republicans, not by the taxpayers.
After the letter went out, the local Democrat majority, led by Barbara Holcomb and Dan DiFabio, chose to censure the Mayor during a Township Committee meeting. This was utter nonsense...there is absolutely no provision for such an action under Township regulations. Never ones to let the rules get in the way of their political ambitions they did indeed vote to censure Mayor Metzner and voted to do so along purely political lines. A truly absurd act, but not one, which in any way detracts from the essential truth of the letter.
The letter is reprinted below. It is as pertinent today as it was last year. The majority Democrats may again vote to "censure" rather than confronting the issues. That is the way they operate.
To understand why the local rogue Democrats react so badly is best understood by the words of a truly great Democrat. Harry Truman, who said of congress, "I don't give them hell. I just tell them the truth and they think they're in hell." Surely, Mr. Truman would be deeply ashamed of this group. The Democrat party has long been a great American entity and a vital part of our democracy. That a group like this chooses to operate under the same banner should be an embarrassment to all good Democrats.
An Important Message from
Mayor Sue Ann Metzner
October 2002
Election Day is November 5. On this day you will have the opportunity to elect a new Township Committee. Voting is a privilege-a right you have as an American. I'm writing to you to ask you to use this privilege wisely and vote for The Metzner Team.
My team is comprised of three incredibly hardworking women: Karen Gibison in Ward 1, Chris Zellers in Ward 2 and Terry Dayton in Ward 4. These amazing women, though all unique in their own way, have the same vision for Winslow Township. They all want to run our local government in a responsible, cost-effective, productive manner. They want to better the quality of life by making our community a safe, clean place to live while stabilizing taxes at an affordable level.
As many of you know, I am a Republican Mayor in a Township dominated by a Democrat Township Committee. At a local level, party affiliation is far less important that the quality and good intentions of the individuals who serve us. Unfortunately, we are currently led by people whose first allegiance seems to be to the County political machine and not the residents of Winslow Township. Let me help you understand what it's like being a minority Mayor in Winslow Township. I literally have no power, my opinion is ignored; my vote is worthless and I have little or no input on any decision including the Township budget. I'm not invited to most official meetings, important economic development meetings are held behind my back, new employees are hired without my knowledge and I'm the last person to find out about promotions that take place.
Those of you who have witnessed our Township meetings, either in person or on televison, have been shocked and embarrassed by the behavior and actions of the Democrat majority committee.They have the power and they know it, but they use it in a manner that shames us all. I have heard their actions described as arrogant, self-serving, boorish, insulting, bullying and for the most part, ignorant of the issues at hand. I try my hardest to maintain a sense of decorum at these meetings but without the power of the majority committee, there is little the Mayor can do.
Walking door-to-door over the past three months, I've heard may of your concerns: major problems in the schools, violent crimes on the rise and Township taxes increasing by over 35% in just 5 years. There is also low employee morale-as some police officers have been working for three years without a contract and the Democrat Committee gives raises over 11 % to their highly paid favorites while the rest of the employees averaged less than 4 %. What's next? Do you really think things can get any better with this crowd in power?
Karen, Chris and Terry are dedicated to joining me in our efforts to create a Township government that serves its people first. We hold no government jobs and we are not subservient to any political machine. We don't have the money to waste on big billboards and fancy literature. What we offer is hard work and dedication to you and your family to make your life in Winslow Township the best it can possibly be.
Please help me become a more effective Mayor. On November 5th vote for:
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