Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Did DePalma Lie? You Decide!

Michael DePalma, democrat candidate for ward one Township Committee seat, mailed out campaign literature stating,

"I serve, or have served, on our local Planning Board since 1996, ...".

Last week the Courier-Post newspaper stated in an unrelated item:

"Kaplan is a GOP member of the township planning board...photographed the committeeman in the vehicle and posted the image Oct. 10 on his blog, UNofficially Winslow".

Armed with this information, why would DePalma make such a statement in his campaign literature?

Earlier today Kaplan stated,

"I have been appointed to our local Planning Board since January of 2001. Michael DePalma is not on the board".

Please note that some Winslow Township board appointments are made by a majority vote of the Township Committee, while other appointments are made by the Mayor. Planning Board members are Mayoral Appointments.

UNofficially Winslow has received open public records, from the Winslow Township Clerk's office, of all appointed Planning Board members for the years 1996 through 2005. Michael DePalma's name does not appear anywhere on these documents. Length of appointments to the Planning Board vary. The longest appointment being of four years. If DePalma's statement in his campaign literature is accurate, than one would assume his name should have shown up in these documents more than once.

Please click here to review the Mayoral appointments to the Planning Board for the years 1996 through 2005.