Friday, October 13, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives E-mail

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:57 PM
Subject: New Democratic Party? Seems like the same old story to me!

In an article from the Courier- Post on Sunday Oct 1, 2006, Barry Wright is portrayed as the new savior for the Democratic party. Are we supposed to forget that he is the same dirtball we worked so hard to get off the township committee a year ago?
He voted on the committee for what he decided he wanted, instead of what the people he represented asked him to do. He was part of the communist committee. Why give him another position to corrupt? You cannot run someone through the car wash and clean them up. He is still the same dirtball he always was.
The fact that Barry Wright is supporting the "new Democratic candidates" should send out a RED FLAG! It's the same old story with a different cover on the book. For example, ask yourself, why would they support Donna Iuliucci? She can not be objective when voting and/or making decisions on so many important issues.
When it involves school issues, police issues, or construction issues, she is personally involved and should abstain from voting. What is left for her to vote on? Important issues, such as, the Easter Egg hunt or Santa's visit?
Perhaps she will be told which way to vote by Barbara Holcomb or the new puppet they put in her place or one of her co-conspirators. Sounds all too familiar!

A concerned citizen