Monday, August 09, 2010


In an e-mail to UNofficially Winslow, the Winslow Township Solicitor Stuart A. Platt, made a wager that UNofficially Winslow would not publish a particular email of his.

UNofficially Winslow posted the e-mail and you can still view this e-mail today. UNofficially Winslow has made several attempts to collect the Baseball card Mr. Platt spoke about in his email. To date Platt has refused to address the issue with UNofficially Winslow.

UNofficially Winslow has filed in small claims court for the equivalent value of the $6,500.-$92,000. Baseball card. Giving Platt a break because small claims court is limited to $3000.

UNofficially Winslow has received a threatening letter from Platt's attorney. And as of this posting has not responded to UNofficially Winslow's request for mediation. Furthermore it appears that Platt's attorney has no intention of addressing this matter prior to the court date.

The original issue concerns Platt's ridiculous letter regarding videotaping during public meetings. UNofficially Winslow removed a video clip of an eight year old resident who was asking the Mayor and Committee during public participation to assist in keeping his grammar school open. (Which the Committee did.) The removal of this video seemed to satisfy Platt. Even though Platt's laptop screen was not readable and also in a public setting. You can view the original posting and remarks of the New Jersey State Supreme Court on videotaping during public meetings here on UNofficially Winslow.

Our tax dollars, some years hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars, go to the Township Solicitor. The Township Committee selects the Township Solicitor each January on the residents behalf. Perhaps next time a politician asks for your vote, you may want to ask who they support for Township Solicitor and other professional appointments.