Sunday, November 06, 2005


UNofficially Winslow has been building a case file of Election Day misconduct occurrences from past Election Days. UNofficially Winslow maintains its policy of not publishing undocumented information, which is why this topic has not been previously addressed on this website.

Allegations have been made in the past that some residents and even elected officials need to be reminded each Election Day of these types of offences.

If you see or hear of something that you think is not proper please call the
Camden County Board of Elections at (856) 661-3600 or (856) 661-3601.

Some common "mistakes" that have been reported in the past include:

* Parking a car with campaign signs, or other materials being displayed in the vehicle's windows within 100 feet of the polling location entry door.

* Wearing-displaying candidate-political pins & buttons in polling locations.

* Improper voting assistance being offered to seniors and handicapped people. If a Board of Elections worker assist a voter, a board worker from each party must assist. If a voter designates someone else to assist them, the person doing the assisting must complete proper paper work.

* Electioneering, or talking about the election, candidates, etc. inside the polling site.

If you have one of the many disposable cameras distributed by UNofficially Winslow, please considering carrying it on Election Day- even if you're just going to the polls to vote.
If you do not have a camera distributed by UNofficially Winslow, and you would like to help preserve the fair election process guaranteed to us by the United States Constitution, please consider having your camera, any type of camera, handy on Election Day.
UNofficially Winslow will reimburse individuals for film & processing, or other photographic expenses, plus a small stipend for any photographs published on UNofficially Winslow.

Please be sure to check right here on UNofficially Winslow on election night for the UNofficial local election results.

Please note depending on available facilities the local election results may posted via a live audio feed. This would result in an audio posting on UNoficially Winslow.