Thursday, November 01, 2007

Below is a Letter to the Editor that appeared in the Courier-Post on November 1, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Re: "Memory loss" (letters, Oct. 29).
Really? My, how some folks love to spread misinformation and disinformation for political reasons. Winslow Mayor Sue Ann Metzner is not responsible for the 300 percent water and sewer increases, the erosion of the school district or the reduced usage of the water towers in Winslow.
The groundwork for all of these problems may be laid squarely at the feet of former Deputy Mayor Barbara Holcomb and her mind-numbed fellow township committee members during Holcomb's reign as de facto mayor when Metzner could do nothing to override them.
The self-serving decisions Holcomb and company perpetrated have come home to roost. Having attended most of the township meetings held during the last five years, and watching the brazenly wrong voting record that Holcomb and friends visited upon the township and its residents, we suggest the letter writer would be well advised to attend the meetings from now on.
The letter writer might learn something about how Winslow government works, about where the "bodies are really buried" and why people who prefer to know the facts don't rely on political hogwash, gossip, urban and suburban myths or second- and third-hand information.
If you live in Winslow, what have you done for the community lately? If you're not positively involved, then you're part of the problem. Put the blame where it really belongs.

Blue Anchor

UNofficially Winslow notes:

UNofficially Winslow has previously posted public records that support the statements made by the authors of the above Letter to the Editor.

The public records posted on this website, please see link below, include Winslow Township annual re-organization minutes that include the assignments of the governing body to various posts and Directorships. Such as the Director of Municipal Utilities.

Also posted in the previous UNofficially Winslow report is a copy of a 2001 document titled Water and Sewer Utility Fund. Projected Statements of Operations and Changes in Financial Position For Years Ending December 31, 2002 through 2011. Apparently, the previous majority party, which included Holcomb, the Director of Municipal Utilities at the time, chose not to act on this information contained in the report.

You can CLICK HERE to review a 2004 letter previously uncovered by UNofficially Winslow that was never copied to the Mayor or other governing body members. This letter was apparently sent to the Township Administrator and most likely the Director of Municipal Utilities at the time. Who was mentioned in the Letter to the Editor posted above.

Please CLICK HERE to review the entire UNofficially Winslow report, including additional links to additional open public records included in the report.