(Revised 7-28-05)
Nothing is ever simple in Winslow Township. There always seems to be an unexpected twist with interesting facts.
On Tuesday July 26, 2005 AST developers, engineers, and attorneys met with the public informally at the Villa Deli Catering Hall in Sicklerville to discuss the pros and cons of their future zoning board variance and site plan application.
This is the same matter that appeared before the zoning board on June 8, 2005 where Flamini and DiFabio didn't show up.
These two gentlemen are supposed to represent the people's interest, but once again failed to show up. This issue is of major importance for the residents in Sicklerville, and these two "representatives" seem not to care. Hopefully the voting public will remember this in November when Flamini will be seeking re-election. In the mean time DiFabio is asking for a 12% pay raise for his no show job.
Click on the audio link below and hear for yourself DiFabio asking for a pay raise.
Furthermore, Flamini and DiFabio are members of the majority (controlling) party on the Township Committee. The controlling party members of the Township Committee are responsible for making appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. One might note that not a single member of the Zoning Board lives in ward 4, where AST wants to build. So ward 4 residents are left without any representation on the Township Committee and the Zoning Board. Thank goodness for Mayor Metzner who cares about ALL the residents in ALL the areas of the Township. The Mayor attended the informal meeting at the Villa Deli concerning the AST development. Even though the Mayor was verbally abused by the AST attorney, Mayor Metzner promises to continue to attend all the meetings and functions she possibly can representing ALL the residents of Winslow Township.
During the informal meeting at the Villa Deli, Mayor Metzner asked for clarification on several issues pertaining to this application for 400+ new homes. (About 3 times the amount of homes permitted by right without a variance) The developer's attorney, Mr. John Wade, was quite rude to our Mayor. Mr. Wade charged the Mayor with only being present to play "politics."
Let's see who was there to play "politics." :
1) The lawyer for the developer AST, Mr. John Wade, is also the solicitor for the Winslow Township School District. Representation was made several times during the course of the meeting that the school district would financially benefit from the project since it's proposed as a senior citizen development. Is Mr. Wade in conflict representing both the school district and AST developers?
2) Mr. Wade mentioned that he had been in contact with Committeeman Barry Wright. Was it proper for Mr. Wade to be in contact with Wright considering Mary Ann Fry is Barry Wright's and Chuck Flamini's campaign treasurer for the upcoming election? Mary Ann Fry also happens to be the zoning board chairperson.
Other interesting details:
The developer told those in attendance that the originally proposed billboard was deleted from the plan. This change was welcomed by the residents.
Winslow Township has very little sewer capacity available. Therefore the developer needs to request from the Township Committee permission to run their sewer line for the project to the Gloucester Township sewer system.
Wright happens to have a billboard business partnership. If it happen to be Wright's billboard business or partner who was planning on providing the billboard for this project, would Wright have been excluded from voting on the sewer going to Gloucester Township? Is this the real reason why the billboard was deleted from the project?
UNofficially Winslow is concerned that the billboard matter could be revisited sometime in the future.
UNofficially Winslow welcomes comments and opinions and other points of view from residents, Mr. Wade, Committeeman Wright and any other interested parties.
Please email all remarks to:
Have you seen us? ......You pay us!
(Click anywhere on the picture to enlarge)