Tuesday, January 31, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

"It would be a disservice to this community for me to sit on this committee, because I know that I don't have any knowledge about of what goes on with this committee..."
this is an audio post - click to play0:19

this is an audio post - click to play0:33

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives Email
To: UNofficiallywinslow@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:33 PM
Subject: Holcomb's Minions

How very interesting to watch Marie Lawrence after 14 months of sitting on the dais virtually silent except to vote the way Barbara Holcomb told her to! It was very clear that she had at best a very limited idea of what was going on, or what she was voting on!

Now after the reorganization she spends all of her time disrupting every Township meeting only resting when Barbara Holcomb needs to talk about some perceived indignity to the Sicklerville residents!

To hear those two talk ward three will be destroyed without their so called expertise! Now because of the reorganization Ms. Lawrence has been assigned to another committee, which when she received the appointment said in so many words that she wouldn't be competent enough to do the job. And missed the very first meeting because she said she was never notified! This is a tactic she has used before when missing meetings or not knowing what was going on because she never received the information! This is how she represents her ward? When Dan DiFabio talked of how the reorganization was going to polarize the township he was absolutely right. Ms. Lawrence and Holcomb are making sure that is exactly what is going to happen, pitting one group against another in an attempt further their own agenda!

What was really shocking to was Ms.Lawrence's comment at the last meeting about the presence of a police officer at that meeting! An elected official of this Township who swore to uphold the laws of the country, state and township demonize the police! I just hope the kids weren't watching that meeting because that's saying the police are no good and oppressors, that's a polarization! I just hope the people in this township aren't as stupid as some of the people representing them, they should hold them accountable and start looking for replacements because with their tactics they are not worthy or fit to serve the people of this Township!

B. G. Braddock

Monday, January 30, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives Email
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 8:29 PM
Subject: School Board issues

I have heard the rumor that the Township Committee person who lost the Ward 2 election will be appointed to the School Board to fill an unexpired term. He also just happens to be the newly appointed Municipal Political Chairman of the Winslow Township Democratic Party. How about that for a co-incidence?


With having the Municipal Chairman of the Winslow Township Democrats on the School Board, do you think there will be any politics in our schools and in governing our School Board? How about professional appointments within the school district? Do you think they will mirror the appointments voted in by THIS previous township committee person who WAS in control of our township government? What experience/education does this individual have to be eligible to be appointed to the School Board? How many people were interviewed for this appointment? When was it advertised? If the people in his ward voted him out as an incumbent Township Committee person, what makes him, and the sitting School Board members, think that the rest of the township voters /taxpayers want him on the school board?
How can he lead by example when, as a retired 27 year veteran police Lieutenant, he doesn't even know that it is ILLEGAL to drive a golf cart on public roads and highways when even our high school and and middle school students know its illegal? What did he do while serving as a Township Committee person to bolster, support or enhance the Winslow school district ?

Is this the type of individual that you want your children, and the other children of Winslow township to use as a role model? Think seriously about these questions before you make your selection in April and your decision on the re-call, your vote will mean the difference as to what happens to Winslow Township! Also, look into the school district layoffs of the teacher aides, is Committeeman Charles Flamini's daughter one of the aides being laid off from work? ----------Signed, A taxpayer, parent and very concerned citizen.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

----- Original Message -----
From: UNofficially Winslow Receives Email
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:04 PM
Subject: Letter

Something very bad is happening in our country. Hatred is rampant and spews from every facet of our government. How in the world can we ever go on? Even in Winslow Township, a small blip on the map of America, hatred abounds. Those of us who observe Township meetings continue to be appalled at the childlike behavior of the new minority. When the Democrats were the majority they used every ounce of their power to humiliate and degrade the Republican minority. Their treatment of the Mayor was disgraceful. They in effect, formed their own governing body where the "Deputy Mayor" ruled. Their actions effectively negated the representation of half of the Township citizens

Now that they have lost their majority and find themselves with less power they refuse to accept the fact that their reign is over and continue to disrupt the meetings with negativity, accusations and thinly veiled racial slurs. They, like any spoiled child, think that a good tantrum will get results. Personally, I am disgusted with the ranting and ravings of one woman in particular who uses every opportunity to create a disturbance. Bad enough that her mentor, the ex "Deputy Mayor", snarls and grunts at will. There are now two unpleasant people to deal with.

It is a wonder to me that the men in the minority party are not embarrassed by such unprofessional behavior. Yet, they go along with this nonsense and continue to act like little boys who are afraid to anger mommy. This would be funny if it were not so important to the citizens of Winslow. Must we continue to accept these attempts to disrupt our government by a couple of malcontents whose only claim to fame is the fact that they can muster the votes of their ward? Or, will the men in the minority at some point, become so humiliated by the antics of these women that they refuse to have their good names connected to such outlandish behavior? Surely they must realize that it was this hate filled power obsession that lost them the majority seats in the first place. Winslow Township is not only about Sicklerville. There are other areas of the Township that were badly neglected during the past eight years of Sicklerville reign. Those areas are filled with taxpayers who also have needs. It is time to address those needs along with the needs of Sicklerville. This can be done if wisdom and grace are given a chance. Mayor Metzner is trying to bring civility and good government back to Winslow Township, let us hope that she prevails.

Disgusted Citizen

Friday, January 27, 2006


Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Area resident salutes Winslow Township mayor for goodness and generosity

How very refreshing it is to know someone in public office who means what they say and follows through on their intentions.

Recently, I was in need of help requiring the aid of a public servant. Our mayor, who makes herself accessible to all Winslow residents, whenever necessary, came to my rescue again and responded quickly to my need, with genuine concern and understanding.

I strongly believe Sue Ann Metzner is a public servant of the highest caliber. She is wholly committed to serving the people of Winslow Township. She works conscientiously to execute the duties of her office with a great degree of compassion, integrity and honesty. Mayor Metzner proves through her example that women can hold positions of authority and leadership without bowing down to the false gods of greed, power, self-interest and exploitation. Sue Ann Metzner demonstrates, through her life experience, that one can rise above political obstacles and physical limitations to attain the worthy goals her position requires. She uses her time, her energy and her resources to fulfill the demands of her job.

Too often, citizens are unaware of the public servants in their midst who demonstrate heroic and selfless character traits. Mayor Metzner realizes that not everyone recognizes or appreciates the amount of dedication and effort she puts forth to fulfill her duties as mayor. But public opinion does not deter her from doing the job she was appointed to do by the people of Winslow Township.

Sue Ann Metzner forges ahead despite the setbacks and negative projections. Her strength lies in her confidence in her God-given abilities and talents that have shaped the woman and leader she is today. She is always grateful for the many people who support and respect her position, the people who are able to see the "fruits of her labor" and accentuate the "good" in their assessment of her as mayor.

Who of us could possibly know the amount of sacrifices our mayor has made all in the "line of duty"? It is our moral and civic responsibility to acknowledge and express our gratitude to these selfless servants of the people. I, for one, salute this brave soul Sue Ann Metzner, for her immense capacity to rise above the bonds of human selfishness into the "light of service" where "giving and serving" is the "Law of her Being." To this end she has labored tirelessly and with steadfast courage, determination and perseverance. Mayor Metzner has fulfilled our highest expectations. To quote William Penn, "A government is only as good as its leaders."
Thank you, Sue Ann Metzner, for being a "good leader" for the people in Winslow Township.

Sharon Caprio
Originally published: HAMMONTON NEWS January 25, 2006

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

UNofficially Winslow Receives Email

UNofficially Winslow has received several emails in connection with current events pertaining to the Winslow Township Board of Education.

You may click on the items posted below, which will direct you to the original unedited and unconfirmed email that was received by UNofficially Winslow.

This posting containing received emails by UNofficially Winslow will be updated as new emails pertaining to the Winslow School District and Board of Education are received.

A link on right side margin (blue area, lower right) of UNofficially Winslow has been added for your convenience to check this posting for any new emails that have been received by UNofficially Winslow.

Email #261 received January 23, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Holcomb, Parker & Winslow Schools.

Email #262 received January 23, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow Attachment to email #261 RE: Reasons for Pat Parker Recall effort.

Email #263 received January 24, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Winslow Schools, Pat Parker & Sweet 16 party.

Email #264 received January 25, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Winslow School Board.

Email #265 received January 25, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Winslow School Layoffs.

Email #266 received January 25, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Winslow Schools & Layoffs.

Email #274 received January 27,2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Winslow Schools, Parker, petition and possible repercussions.

Email#287 received January29, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: petition repercussions

Email#289 received January 31, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: Upset Winslow Employee

Email #301 received February 8, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: School Programs

Email #302 received February 8, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: B.O.E. Meetings, Parker, Wright, and B.O.E.

Email #303 received February 9, 2006 by UNofficially Winslow RE: "...20 bags of pot..."


January 23, 2006 Winslow faces school deficit, possible layoffs. (Pat Parker, School Board President recall matter)

January 24, 2006 Facing deficit, Winslow may cut 23 school positions

January 24, 2006 Courier-Post EditorialExplain Winslow school deficit

January 25, 2006 Winslow debates job cuts

January 26, 2006 Winslow board plugs budget gap

Sunday, January 22, 2006



"...The only ones who responded to the RFP (Request For Proposal) were those who knew that we had a webpage and than looked at the webpage...".

this is an audio post - click to play

Did Holcomb not read her committee package? Or was she just trying to mislead the public? UNofficially Winslow has received open public records of what information was included in Holcomb's re-organization document package. Holcomb had already received a list of professionals who responded to the Request For Proposals when she was running her mouth and complaining about a lack of a legal advertisement for the legal advertisement.

Please click here for the UNofficially Winslow report when Holcomb asked for a legal advertisement for the legal advertisement. Also Mayor Metzner explains the new New Jersey State law.

Open public records indicate that 52 replies were received by Winslow Township in response to the Request for Proposals advertised on the Township website.

UNoffically Winslow finds it interesting that some of the replies for the Request for Proposals were received from individuals or firms that Holcomb has supported for various professional appointments in the past. Including David Patterson, Bowman & Company, Churchill Associates, Stuart A. Platt, Zeller & Bryant, and Marc R. Shuster. Also Holcomb's puppets supported Lawrence J. Lunongo, Jr.

Apparently the only one who missed the advertisement is Holcomb. Or does Holcomb just want to mislead the public?

PLEASE CLICK HERE to review the open pubic records of the 52 replies who responded to the Request For Proposals.

(Some pages in this document are in landscape, you can use your Adobe reader to adjust those pages, or print those pages for futher review. Turning your head to the left also works.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play

Mayor Metzner receives a standing ovation from a very enthusiastic, standing room only, crowd of Winslow residents. During the Winslow Township Re-organization meeting that was held on January 6, 2006.

You can watch the meeting on Comcast channel 13 at 7:30 P.M. Friday night January 20, 2006.


In this audio clip of the January 6, 2006 Re-organization meeting, Mayor Metzner's assistant's position is restored to full time status.

While Committeewoman Lawrence questions the expense, the Mayor explains that the position has been a full time position for 14 years. Only in the last six months of 2005 have the hours been reduced.

Some residents have expressed their concern that the reduction of hours of the Mayor's assistant and the elimination of the Mayor's medical insurance were actions of political bickering.(The Mayor's medical insurance was not restored with this measure.)

The residents in attendance, at this January 6, 2006 meeting, once again show their support for their Mayor.

this is an audio post - click to play

Click Here for the June 6, 2005 Courier Post story: Vision-impaired mayor, Winslow panel spar over aide's post

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


In the past UNofficially Winslow has been unable to find official documentation for the title of Deputy Mayor. The form of government that Winslow Township operates under does not, and never did, specify a Deputy Mayor.

The governing body that Winslow calls the Township Committee is able to create any position the body feels is necessary.

In the past, when the position of Deputy Mayor existed, the seat was filled not by appointment of the Mayor, but rather with the process of a Resolution. The governing body, ultimately the controlling party, named a Deputy Mayor to chair the meetings and sign checks in the absence of the Mayor.

In review of the material presented on UNofficially Winslow, presentation of the Township meetings on Comcast channel 13, and by attendance of the open public meetings, one can assume that in the past Committeewoman Holcomb was something less than a Deputy to Mayor Metzner. And furthermore that Holcomb over stepped the original intentions of the position.

On January 6, 2006 the Township Committee did NOT appoint a Deputy Mayor, but rather appointed Committeeman Cooper to chair the Township meetings and sign checks in the absence of the Mayor.

"I just think I'll say no to this one."

The crowd cheers after the resolution passes with the majority voting "Yes".

this is an audio post - click to play1:00


"...Exactly what is this traffic engineer going to do ? "

this is an audio post - click to play0:33
Barbara Holcomb also made a few remarks in reference to the traffic engineer. UNofficially Winslow will post and challenge those remarks in a future posting, once the requested public records on the matter are received.

this is an audio post - click to play0:50

Monday, January 16, 2006


First Flamini inquires about Robert's Rules of Order, then Holcomb, Lawrence and DiFabio join Flamini in voting against a resolution for the Township Committee to adopt the very common 1876 meeting procedure and rule book.

CLICK HERE for more information (and history) on Robert's Rules of Order.

"... I just want to be clear that we are going to use Robert's Rules this year and adhere them. Seems like in the past we kind of run over those rules. I'd just like to confirm we are going to use Robert's Rules as our guiding guideline this year."


NO VOTES: Holcomb, Flamini , DiFabio, & Lawrence.

YES VOTES: Committee Members, Gibison,Pino,Cooper,LoSasso,and Mayor Metzner.

this is an audio post - click to play
If you listen very carefully to the audio (link above) of this dialog and vote, You will hear the puppets change their vote to follow Holcomb's lead.


In the audio clip below, of the January 6, 2006 Re-organization meeting, Holcomb wants a legal advertisement for the legal advertisement.

Holcomb claims she did not know of the advertisement, while Lawrence claims not to have received materials that was previously distributed to the governing body.

CLICK HERE for historical information on Lawrence missing documentation and/or not doing her homework. Did the dog eat her Committee package?

While Holcomb and Lawrence are complaining about the legal advertisement procedures, It's interesting to note that Churchill Engineering responded with a proposal. (Churchill's eight year stint as the Township's engineer ended when Holcomb & company lost majority control of the Township Committee on January 1, 2006.)

this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, January 12, 2006


"...As you do know we are not like most municipalities in the state of New Jersey."

Mayor Metzner Responds...

"I know that well."

this is an audio post - click to play

Holcomb continues...

"...This is not Germany that we're living in..."
this is an audio post - click to play

Is this the same Barbara Holcomb that supported the development of the Winslow Township Human Relations Commission ?

This is the tone of the Winslow Township 2006 re-organization meeting that will air Friday night January 20, 2006. 7:30 P.M. on Comcast cable channel 13.

UNofficially Winslow will continue to post all important clips of the January 6, 2006 re-organization meeting in the days ahead.
UNofficially Winslow has also requested open public records from the Winslow Township Clerk's office pertaining to the re-organization meeting and other topics of interest. Including Santa Claus writing TO Winslow Township.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Committeeman Nick LoSasso is sworn into office on January 6, 2006 by United States Magistrate Judge Ann Marie Donio.

Mr. LoSasso is accompanied by his wife Eleanor and their son Justin.

Committeeman LoSasso will replace Barry Wright on the Township Committee.

Mr. LoSasso was elected by the residents of Ward 2 (Cedar Brook & surrounding area) on November 8, 2005.

Committeewoman Karen Gibison is sworn into office on January 6, 2006 by United States Magistrate Judge Ann Marie Donio.

Committeewoman Gibison is accompanied by her husband Bill and their four children Mathew, Kelly, Emily, and Jack.

Mrs. Gibison was re-elected by the residents of Ward 1. (Southern end of the Township to the Hammonton border.)With a land slide victory. Defeating her challenger Mr. Mike DePalma by nearly 600 votes.

Also returning to the Townshship Committee is Marie Lawrence. Who ran unopposed in Ward 3. And Chuck Flamini representing Ward 4.

this is an audio post - click to play

Below is a 34 second audio clip of Committeeman Chuck Flamini taking the oath of office.

Please listen very carefully to the vocabulary used. It's very important for the future of Ward 4 and Winslow Township.

Ward 4: Sicklerville area from Wawa in the center of town to Walgreen's and the Berlin (Pine Hill) border on Crosskeys road.

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Winslow Township Reorganization meeting will held this Friday January 6, 2006 at 6:30 P.M. in the courtroom. This meeting, like all other Committee meetings, is open to the public.

Mayor Metzner and her Republican team will take over the control of the Winslow Township Committee.

this is an audio post - click to play