During the July 2004 Winslow Township Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting, several hundred residents objected to a new housing development being proposed off of Pump Ranch road. While some residents surly will disagree with any building in the area, others will agree that coming to a meeting and speaking your mind does indeed make a difference. Below is a copy of a letter that was received today from the developer.
Forest Meadows at Cedar Brook
September 27, 2004
Re: Forest Meadows at Cedar Brook
Since the postponement of the zoning board meeting on July 14, 2004, our project professionals have been working on revised development plans in an effort to address the concerns which you have expressed. The project has been redesigned with a reduction of building lots so that the project will not require a density variance and with only the number of lots permitted "by-right" in accordance with Winslow Township's Zoning Ordinance and the New Jersey Pinelands Commission Comprehensive Management Plan. The new plan consists of larger lots than originally presented. The new plan should be completed sometime late October. A meeting of the neighbors will be scheduled the first week of November. You will be receiving another letter to advise of the actual meeting date and location.
Forest Meadows at Cedar Brook